Notable Projects

Fingerprint Matching

This project investigated the feasibility of using software to generate fingerprint lineups (similar eye-witness lineups) in order to quantify the amount of cognitive bias present in the field of forensic science. Throughout the project, I implemented various fingerprint matching techniques proposed in existing literature and spent the majority of my time tuning models as classifying real-world prints possesses several unique challenges. These data sets typically have low qualities, distorted features, and few training samples. My undergraduate thesis can be found here.

Online Algorithms

I spent a year researching ways of provably improving online algorithms for tackling the ski rental problem. A link to my report can be found here.

Writing a Compiler

Compiler Construction was probably one of the hardest courses I took at Duke, but it definitely was also one of the most rewarding experiences. I spent the semester learning about each step in the process of turning code into bytes. A link to the finished compiler can be found here.

Optimizing Electricity and Water Costs in Geo-Distributed Data Centers

In high school, I worked on developing a framework for optimizing water and electricity costs in data centers. The framework reschedules incoming requests based on real-time resource costs while constrained by a tail network latency constraint. A link to my report can be found here.